

Cleland is a small, traditional village with coal mining heritage located near Motherwell and Wishaw. Cleland is situated within close proximity to the M8 motorway and Cleland also has its own railway station.

Alexander Cleland married a cousin of William Wallace and their son, James Cleland fought with Wallace in 1296 at Loudonhill, and his son John Cleland at Bannockburn in 1314. The current village didn’t exist, but the area was where Cleland House and the family estate were located.

There was no defined village of Cleland as it is known today. Rather there was a Cleland House where the Cleland family lived, and the land where present-day Cleland stands was part of the Cleland family's estate. By 1763 the first colliery in what is present-day Cleland was in operation at Swinstie.

Images from Cleland